On this web page you will find a list of all periodic review 2013 (PR13) publications.
Programme publications Collapse accordion Open accordion
- Network Rail's submission under the Civils Adjustment Mechanism letter
19/05/2015 - Network Rail managed stations - decision on the approval of the qualifying expenditure (QX) management fee for control period 5 (CP5)
30/04/2015 - Publication of the independent evaluation of PR13
27/03/2015 - Error in CP5 Schedule 8 passenger train operator payment rates
04/03/2015 - Decisions on implementation of CP5 capacity charge for new open access operators
04/09/2014 - Consultation on implementation of CP5 capacity charge for new open access operators
16/05/2014 - Guide to the route level efficiency benefit sharing (REBS) mechanism in control period 5 (CP5)
16/04/2014 - Schedule 4 Sustained Planned Disruption: our conclusions on values for defined service group revenue
01/04/2014 - Notice for Network Rail's civils asset management plan 2016/17-2018/19
31/03/2014 - Delivery plan notice
31/03/2014 - Issue of review implementation notices and covering letter
18/03/2014 - Issue of notices of agreement and covering letter
11/02/2014 - Our determination of the CP5 Schedule 4 Access Charge Supplement
10/02/2014 - Publication of capacity charge baselines in CP5
10/02/2014 - Note on error in CP5 freight operator and charter operator payment rates calculations
06/02/2014 - Commencement of the implementation of the 2013 periodic review - covering letter and review notices
20/12/2013 - Publication of Network Rail's CP5 price lists
20/12/2013 - Final determination of Network Rail's outputs and funding for 2014-19
31/10/2013 - Delivery Plan notice
31/10/2013 - ORR letter on the process for amending electricity supply tariff area (ESTA) boundaries
15/10/2013 - Consultation on implementing the EC4T cost reconciliation
02/10/2013 - Consultation on implementing PR13 – capacity charge
30/09/2013 - Capacity charge for franchise and open access passenger for CP5
25/09/2013 - Consultation on implementing PR13 - charter operators
13/09/2013 - Draft conclusions on structure of charges and Schedule 8 performance regime for charter operators
23/08/2013 - PR13 efficiency benchmarking of Network Rail
15/08/2013 - Contingency arrangements for a delay to PR13 implementation
09/08/2013 - Consultative letter expanding on the discussion of the capacity charge
17/07/2013 - ORR letter: decision on Network Rail's consultation on Schedule 8 Network Rail payment rates for London commuter flows
16/07/2013 - Consultation on implementing PR13
12/07/2013 - On-rail competition: consultation on options for change in open access
14/06/2013 - Consultation on draft determination of Network Rail's outputs and funding for 2014-19
12/06/2013 - Consultation on contingency planning for PR13 implementation
17/04/2013 - Consultation on electricity for traction charges for control period 5
10/04/2013 - Consultation on a freight specific charge for biomass
15/02/2013 - Conclusions on the average variable usage charge and a freight specific charge
11/01/2013 - Invitation to stakeholders to comment on Network Rail's strategic business plan
08/01/2013 - Volume Incentive consultation
18/12/2012 - Aligning incentives to improve efficiency: decisions
18/12/2012 - Consultation on financial issues for Network Rail in CP5: decisions
13/12/2012 - Consultation on Schedules 4 and 8 possessions and performance regimes
26/11/2012 - Network Rail's output framework for 2014-19
01/08/2012 - Consultation on financial issues for Network Rail in CP5
01/08/2012 - Consultation on the variable usage charge and a freight specific charge
17/05/2012 - Aligning incentives to improve efficiency: update and further consultation
03/05/2012 - Periodic review 2013: setting the financial and incentive framework for Network Rail in CP5
01/05/2012 - Advice to Ministers & ORR's requirements for Network Rail's strategic business plan
15/03/2012 - Consultation on incentives
14/12/2011 - Consultation on the potential for increased on-rail competition
04/10/2011 - Publication of the initial industry plans
29/09/2011 - Establishing Network Rail's efficient expenditure PR13 consultation
26/07/2011 - Periodic review 2013: First consultation document
25/05/2011 - Shaping Britain's railways: the periodic review
25/05/2011 - Responses to high level review of track access charges consultation
17/05/2011 - Developing the initial industry plan
22/02/2011 - Update on ORR's plans and timescales for PR13
14/10/2010 - High level review of track access charges - consultation letter to the industry
01/07/2010 - ORR letter: looking ahead to PR13 and responding to the independent evaluation of our 2008 periodic review