Roads monitoring


We are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the performance and efficiency of National Highways (England only). 

We are here to monitor National Highways' management of the strategic road network – the motorways and main 'A' roads in England.

We ensure that National Highways manages the network appropriately to deliver satisfactory performance, including efficiency, safety and sustainability, for the benefit of road users and the public.

We advise the government on National Highways' future performance objectives.

Holding National Highways to account

We are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the performance and efficiency of National Highways.

Annual assessment of National Highways

Our annual assessment of National Highways (formerly Highways England).

Monitoring smart motorways

We are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the performance and efficiency of National Highways in its delivery of the Smart Motorway Action Plan.

National Highways licence monitoring and enforcement

Our monitoring framework and enforcement policy for National Highways. 

Road investment strategies

Information on our role in the development of the third road investment strategy (RIS3), and links to key documents relating to the advice we provided during the development of RIS2.

Road Expert Panel

Our Road Expert Panel provided advice and support to our work as the Highways Monitor.

Highways data and dashboards


Our performance dashboard features national and regional time series data. Learn more about the publication.



The enhancements dashboard shows information by scheme, and includes data about planning consents and earned value metrics. Visit the dashboard

Operations, maintenance and renewals

This dashboard includes information on winter service, drainage and litter, and defect performance, View the data.