The 2008 Periodic Review (PR08) set the outputs that Network Rail must deliver, and the level of access charges paid by train operators for use of the infrastructure from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2014, or control period 4 (CP4).
For further information about how Network Rail performed in CP4, visit the following links, published on 7 July 2014:
- Network Rail Monitor Q4 2013-14
- Network Rail Monitor (Scotland) Q4 2013-14
- Regulator reports on Network Rail's performance between 2009 and 2014
- ORR reports on Network Rail's performance in Scotland from 2009 to 2014
In this section
- PR08 documentation
A list of All PR08 documents issued by us. - PR08 consultants' reports
A list of all consultants' reports issued during the periodic review 2008. - PR08 legal notices
This page sets out the legal notices relating to the implementation of the 2008 periodic review. - Best practice studies
A programme of international fact-finding visits was conducted during the summer and autumn of 2007 to a number of railway administrations in Europe, North America and Australia. This study tour was part of our work on the 2008 periodic review.
Periodic review independent evaluation Collapse accordion Open accordion
Following completion of the 2008 periodic review the ORR Board commissioned an independent evaluation of the review. The letter from Chris Bolt, ORR chairman, (2008 periodic review – Independent evaluation - Letter from Chris Bolt - 14 May 2009) sets out the objectives for the evaluation and provides background. John Nelson is chairing the group undertaking the independent evaluation. His letter (ORR 2008 periodic review – Independent evaluation - Letter from John Nelson - 14 May 2009) sought input from stakeholders on a range of topics relating to the periodic review.
- Response to periodic review evaluation: looking ahead to periodic review 2013
29 October 2009 - Independent PR08 programme evaluation - Report to ORR Board
5 Aug 2009 - Press notice: ORR welcomes the independent evaluation of the 2008 periodic review
5 Aug 2009 - 2008 periodic review – independent evaluation letter
5 Aug 2009 - Press notice: Independent Evaluation of the ORR's 2008 periodic review
5 Aug 2009
What PR08 included Collapse accordion Open accordion
PR08 included extensive work determining the appropriate financial and incentive framework for Network Rail and reviewed the potential for efficiency savings in its expenditure.
This was the first review since the passing of the Railways Act 2005. It introduced a new process involving the issuing by the Secretary of State and Scottish Ministers of :
- High Level Output Specifications (HLOSs), and
- Statements of Funds Available (SOFAs)
This introduced the need for understanding of whole industry costs and revenues when undertaking the review.
On 30 October 2008 we published our determination for control period 4 (CP4, 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2014). The determination sets out the outputs that Network Rail will need to deliver in CP4 and the revenue that Network Rail will receive from access charges and other sources.
In December 2008 we published the final price lists and the review notices which started the legal implementation of our determination. On 5 February 2009, Network Rail formally accepted our determination.
Key PR08 ORR documents Collapse accordion Open accordion
- Determination of Network Rail's outputs and funding and Summary
October 2008 - Draft determinations and Summary
June 2008 - Update to advice to Ministers
February 2008 - Advice to Ministers and framework for setting access charges and Summary
February 2007 - Options & issues
September 2006 - Initial consultation
August 2005
Network Rail documents Collapse accordion Open accordion
- Initial Strategic Business Plan
October 2006 - Strategic Business Plan
November 2007 - Strategic Business Plan update
April 2008