Register of business critical models


A list of the business critical models held in ORR as of April 2024.

Open access demand forecasting model

The Open Access demand forecasting model is used to forecast the revenue impact of open access operator entry to UK rail markets. 

Ombudsman charging model

The Ombudsman charging model is used to determine the annual fees to be charged by the Rail Ombudsman to large scheme members including train and station operators.

Railway Safety levy turnover

The Railway Safety Levy is used to calculate the proportion of the levy that each Railway Service Provider has to pay ORR to fund our health and safety regulation activities.


A business critical model is a model in active use which satisfies one or more of the following criteria:

  • drives major financial and funding decisions
  • essential to the achievement of business plan actions and priorities
  • one in which errors, or inappropriate use of the model, could lead to significant safety, financial, legal, reputational damages or penalties

Our list of business critical models is reviewed annually.