Price controls


We hold Network Rail to account for delivering what it promised – we require Network Rail to meet its obligation to provide a safe, high-performing, and efficient railway at the amount agreed. 

We do this by enforcing compliance with its licences and by conducting five-yearly reviews that set Network Rail’s funding and what must achieved within the relevant control period.

Periodic review 2023 (PR23)

Information about the current 2023 periodic review (PR23) of Network Rail's outputs and funding for control period 7 (2024 – 2029).

Periodic review 2018 (PR18)

Information about the 2018 periodic review (PR18) of Network Rail's outputs and funding for control period 6 (2019-24).

Periodic review 2013 (PR13)

What Network Rail needed to achieve from 2014 to 2019, the money it needed to do so, and the incentives needed to encourage delivery and outperformance.

Periodic review 2008 (PR08)

The outputs that Network Rail must deliver, and the level of access charges paid by train operators for use of the infrastructure from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2014, or control period 4 (CP4).

Previous access charges reviews

Access charges reviews prior to PR08 are available on the National Archives website. This includes the CP3 price lists for the Access Charges Review 2003.