When you join ORR


Here you will find information relating to your ORR onboarding.

What happens next?

There are a few things that need to happen before you join us and we'll be in touch with you at different stages along the way.

Your job offer pack Collapse accordion Open accordion

You will receive an offer pack and this will include the following:  

  • Offer email with details of the job you are being offered and conditions of your appointment.  
  • Contract of employment – this sets out the terms and conditions of your employment and details of some of the benefits we offer and a link to our Employee Handbook available on this page.    
  • A link to the online HMRC Starter Checklist for you to submit to HR prior to your joining.
  • A link to your onboarding forms to complete online – this includes a New Starter Form, an Emergency Contact Form, a Conflict of Interest declaration, and a Pension Questionnaire for pension auto-enrolment.

Pre-employment checks Collapse accordion Open accordion

Our offer of employment is subject to the satisfactory completion of pre-employment  checks. Your offer email will have details of the pre-employment checks that apply to you.  

Right to Work in the UK and Civil Service Nationality eligibility 

We will need to check your identity and passport to confirm that you have the right to work (RTW) in the UK and the Civil Service in line with Civil Service Nationality Rules. We will email you with details of this.  

Security Vetting 

All roles at ORR require a Baseline Personnel Security Standard check (BPSS). This includes a Right to Work and Identity Check, a Basic DBS check and an employment check with references covering the past 3 years 

We will send you a separate email about this and to arrange for your documents check.

Some roles require higher security vetting in the form of Security Clearance and whether this applies to your role, will be clearly stated in the job advert and candidate information pack as well as your offer email.   

Health check

You will receive details about completing a health questionnaire. If you declare in your health questionnaire a health concern that we need to be aware of or a disability, then we will contact you. This will enable us to make any reasonable adjustments to your working arrangements where necessary.

Mandatory qualifications and licences

If it is a requirement of your job that you must hold certain qualifications or licences, we  will ask for evidence that you hold these.  

Confirming your appointment Collapse accordion Open accordion

Once all pre-employment checks are cleared, we will advise you by email to confirm your appointment.  

Starting work Collapse accordion Open accordion

Once you have joined ORR, you will start your induction programme.  Some of the tasks you will be completing when you first join us, include:

  • A session with a member of the Information Systems team on your first day to ensure you have access to ORR’s systems.  
  • Completion of online mandatory learning in your first week and within the first month of your employment.  
  • A Facilities Health and Safety session to get to know your office building and cover health and safety requirements.  
  • An online Civil Service Induction module if you are new to the Civil Service.  
  • Attendance to a Corporate Induction day, a mandatory in person event held at our London head office. 

Employee handbook Collapse accordion Open accordion

Your contract of employment outlines terms and conditions of your employment that refer to the following ORR policy documents and the Civil Service Code, which constitutes ORR’s Employee Handbook:

Civil Service Reform Collapse accordion Open accordion

ORR has adopted modernised terms and conditions of employment as part of the Civil Service Reform. If you are new to the Civil Service, you will be on the modernised terms detailed in the table below.

If you are an existing Civil Servant, the terms of your transfer will be detailed in your offer joining ORR.

Civil Service Reform FAQs

1. I am a civil servant applying for a role on promotion. What will my terms and conditions of service be if employed by ORR?

A permanent move to ORR on promotion means you will adopt our modernised terms and conditions as set out in the table below.

2. I am a civil servant who is on modernised terms and conditions and I am applying for a post at, or equivalent to, my existing grade. What will my terms and conditions of service be if employed by ORR?

A move at your existing grade will mean that you will align to our modernised terms and conditions as set out in the table below.

3. I am a civil servant on old terms and conditions and I am applying for a post at, or equivalent to, my existing grade. What will my terms and conditions of service be if employed by ORR?

A move to ORR at your existing grade will mean that you will be employed on ORR's old terms and conditions as set out in the table below. 

4. How do I know if I am on modernised terms and conditions?

If you joined the Civil Service before April 2013, and have not been promoted since this date you are unlikely to be on modernised terms and conditions. If you are unsure whether or not you are on modernised terms please contact your HR Department.    

5. What if my move is compulsory?

If you are moved on a compulsory basis, the above would apply where it won't result in a detrimental change.   

Summary of ORR’s Terms and Conditions   

Old terms and conditions Modernised terms and conditions
Starting on 27 days annual leave increasing to 30 days Starting on 25 days annual leave increasing to 30 days
2.5 privilege leave days 1 privilege leave day (Official Birthday of King Charles III)
36 hours per week for London staff

37 hours per week for regional staff
37 hours per week for all staff
Occupational sick pay: 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay in a rolling 4 year period Occupational sick pay linked to length of service. Starting at 1 month full pay and 1 month half pay increasing to 5 months full pay and 5 months half pay.
Mobility clause for non-admin staff to any ORR office in the UK

All staff can be moved within reasonable travelling distance of current location
Broad mobility clause covering all civil service organisations in the UK