This page provides an overview of the types of accidents and incidents that need to be reported and how they can be reported.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) require that the responsible person must notify the relevant enforcing authority of all reportable injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences by the quickest practical means immediately. This must be followed by a written notification within 10 days. A report of all occupational diseases must be sent to the relevant enforcing authority without delay. The procedure for reporting incidents to us will differ according to whether you are reporting:
- serious injuries and serious dangerous occurrences and fatalities
- injuries, and dangerous occurrences that are not serious
- a diagnosis of an occupational disease, occupational cancer, or a diagnosis due to occupational exposure to a biological agent
Reporting non-serious incidents Collapse accordion Open accordion
If an incident is not serious and does not require immediate attention by an inspector it should be reported using:
- our online reporting form for non-mainline duty holders or mainline railway duty holder not using the Rail Safety Standards Board’s Safe Insights
- Safe Insights if you are a mainline railway duty holder
- London Underground's Safety and Environment Analysis database (IE2, formerly LUSEA), for London Underground.
For enquiries about using the online reporting form, please email: RIDDOR reporting. This email address should not be used to report any incident. For general queries, contact us.
Reporting serious railway incidents
Only serious RIDDOR incidents, for example:
- a work related fatality
- a serious accident involving a train or tram
- a collision between a train and a road vehicle at a level crossing
- incidents where structures collapse onto or block a railway
- that require immediate attention should be reported by telephone by a railway duty holder, the police or other organisation.
Call: 020 7282 3910 Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:30 hrs;
Or: 020 7282 3976 at all other times.
These numbers should not be used for general queries. For general queries contact us.
See below and our list of serious incidents reportable by telephone for more information.
Reporting serious railway incidents Collapse accordion Open accordion
Only serious RIDDOR incidents, for example:
- a work related fatality
- a serious accident involving a train or tram
- a collision between a train and a road vehicle at a level crossing
- incidents where structures collapse onto or block a railway
- that require immediate attention should be reported by telephone by a railway duty holder, the police or other organisation.
Call: 020 7282 3910 Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:30 hrs;
Or: 020 7282 3976 at all other times.
These numbers should not be used for general queries. For general queries contact us.
See below and our list of serious incidents reportable by telephone for more information.
Reporting incidents to us under RIDDOR Collapse accordion Open accordion
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) require that relevant enforcing authority of all reportable injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences by the quickest means immediately. This must be followed by a written notification within 10 days. A report of all occupational diseases must be sent to the relevant enforcing authority without delay. The procedure for reporting incidents to ORR will differ according to whether you are reporting:
- serious injuries and serious dangerous occurrences and fatalities
- injuries, and dangerous occurrences that are not serious
- a diagnosis of an occupational disease, occupational cancer, or a diagnosis due to occupational exposure to a biological agent
Reporting serious injuries, serious dangerous occurrences and fatalities
To report serious injuries, serious dangerous occurrences and fatalities you must:
- notify the relevant reporting point set out below by telephone immediately; and;
- then follow up this notification within 10 days with a written notification
Telephone notification
The numbers below should only be used to report serious railway incidents as set out in our list of serious incidents reportable by telephone. Only call these numbers if you are a dutyholder, the Police or other organisation seeking to report a serious railway incident under RIDDOR.
Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:30 – Telephone: 020 7282 3910
Outside these hours, weekends and public holidays please call 020 7282 3976.
Please do not use either of these numbers for a general query. For general queries contact us.
You must pass on the following details to ORR:
- your name, organisation and telephone number
- the date and time the incident occurred
- where it occurred
- the train involved
- what happened
- number of casualties
- whether the casualties were passengers, rail employees, or other members of the public e.g. motorist, pedestrian etc.
- the initial cause/influencing factors if known
- the line/route affected and any delays to services
You should make a note of the name of the person you spoke to and the time you made the notification.
Written notification
Within 10 days a telephone notification must be followed by a written notification using:
- our online reporting form if you are a non-mainline duty holder or a mainline railway duty holder not using Safe Insights
- Safe Insights if you are a mainline railway dutyholder; or
- London Underground's InfoExchange database, for London Underground.
Reporting non-serious injuries and non-serious dangerous occurrences Collapse accordion Open accordion
Injuries and dangerous occurrences that are not serious and do not require immediate notification by telephone must be reported to ORR within a reasonable time (typically within three calendar days after the incident) by using:
- our online reporting form if you are a non-mainline duty holder or a mainline railway duty holder not using Safe Insights (guidance on completing the online form is available)
- Safe Insights, for a mainline railway duty holder
- London Underground's InfoExchange database, for London Underground.
You will only need to make a further written report within 10 days if there is additional information that needs to be provided.
Reporting occupational diseases
A report of a diagnosis of an occupational disease, occupational cancer, or disease due to occupational exposure to a biological agent must be sent to us immediately by following the procedure for reporting occupational diseases.
RIDDOR requires that deaths, certain injuries, specific diseases and specific dangerous occurrences, which arise out of or in connection with work, must be reported to the relevant enforcing authority. All RIDDOR reports arising from work on the operational railway or on a tramway or other guided transport system, including occupational disease or diagnoses reportable under regulations 8 and 9, should be reported to ORR. All other reportable RIDDOR reports should be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
We have produced guidance on RIDDOR 2013 for the railways, tramways and other guided transport systems. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced general guidance on RIDDOR which applies to all industries on its website. If a transport system falls outside the scope of ORR's guidance please refer to HSE's general guidance.