In the periodic review 2013 (PR13) final determination, we committed to carrying out an independent evaluation on PR13 to inform the development of our approach to the next periodic review (PR18). In July 2014, we commissioned Penny Boys to carry out this independent evaluation, the terms of reference for which are set out below.
We published Penny Boys' report in March 2015, alongside a letter to stakeholders setting out our response to the report and an overview of how we intend to take account of the recommendations in our approach to the next periodic review (PR18).
Terms of reference for the independent evaluation
Undertake an independent review, the purpose of which is to:
- examine the way in which we engaged with stakeholders as part of its process to carry out the periodic review;
- seek views from our stakeholders on the review process and specifically:
- whether we addressed the key issues in the review, consulted appropriately on our proposals, gave stakeholders the opportunity to discuss issues, listened to feedback from stakeholders and explained clearly our decisions;
- if there are any areas in which the effectiveness and efficiency of the process could be improved;
- produce a report on the findings, including recommendations that we should consider in planning and carrying out the next periodic review.
The review should have regard to established principles of good regulation and our statutory duties in carrying out our work and making our recommendations.
The review should consider not only the process up to the publication of the final determination, but also the implementation through contractual and licensing processes up to March 2014.
It is not the purpose of the review to consider the merits of the actual decisions that we took nor our overall determination. Our internal processes have been the subject of a separate review and hence are also outside the scope of this review.