Those that use the railway rely on both Network Rail and train operators to run a punctual and reliable train service.
Our remit is to ensure that Network Rail is doing all that is reasonably practicable to deliver its contribution.
We monitor Network Rail's performance on a continuous basis against:
- the targets we set in the periodic review
- obligations in its network licence
- forecasts in its own business plan
Success measures
Success measures are the headline indicators we use to understand Network Rail’s performance.
Our economic regulatory dashboard shows Network Rail’s performance against some of these success measures.
How to use the dashboard
The economic regulatory dashboard is built using Power BI and will open in a new window. Selecting a region by name or map area allows you to filter the data by Network Rail region. A definition of each success measure can be viewed by hovering over the information icons. The dashboard also features links to our holding to account documents for each region.
Data tables
Related data tables are published on our data portal.
- Freight growth
- Freight cancellations
- Passenger cancellations
- On time
- Scotland Train Performance Measure
Monitoring Network Rail train service performance
Those that use the railway rely on both Network Rail and train operators to run a punctual and reliable train service. Our remit is to ensure that Network Rail is doing all that is reasonably practicable to deliver its contribution.