Rail networks we regulate


We regulate Network Rail and other railway networks including the Channel Tunnel and High Speed 1.

Network Rail regulation

We regulate Network Rail’s stewardship of the rail network for the long term – for investors, train companies and their passengers, freight customers and the taxpayers.

High Speed 1 (HS1) regulation

We require HS1 Ltd, the company that has a concession to operate and manage the railway between St Pancras and the Channel Tunnel, to be efficient and perform well.

Channel Tunnel

The Channel Tunnel is the fixed link between the United Kingdom and France consisting of two railway tunnels plus a service tunnel, operated by Eurotunnel.

Northern Ireland

We perform several broad roles in Northern Ireland: we act as the appeal body, control the network statement and monitor the competitive situation of rail services.

Economic regulation research

We are carrying out research projects that will help shape economic regulation in the context of a changing rail industry.