PR18: final determination


At the heart of PR18 is our assessment of what Network Rail must achieve from 2019 to 2024, the funding it requires for this, and the incentives needed to encourage delivery and outperformance.

Date published: 31 October 2018

The 2018 periodic review (PR18) was the process through which we determined what Network Rail should deliver in respect of its role in operating, maintaining and renewing its network in control period 6 (CP6) and how the funding available should be best used to support this. CP6 will run from 2019-2024. This feeds through into:

  • the service that passengers and freight customers receive and, together with taxpayers, ultimately pay for; and
  • the charges that Network Rail’s customers, including passenger, freight and charter train operators, will pay for access to its track and stations during CP6.

Our final determination set out our overall decisions on this, along with our approach for how we would regulate Network Rail’s delivery in CP6. It included separate proposed decisions for England & Wales and for Scotland, reflecting legislative requirements relating to how Network Rail is funded.

Press release - England and Wales
Press release - Scotland

Main overview documents

Executive summary – England & Wales
Executive summary – Scotland
PR18 final determination: overview of approach and decisions

The final determination includes a number of supporting documents, which are set out below:

  • a document summarising the comments we received on the draft determination and our response to these (the full responses are available)
  • supplementary documents providing more detail on our review of Network Rail’s strategic business plans and the follow-up work it did over summer 2018 in response to our draft determination
  • supplementary documents providing more detail on the policy framework for CP6
  • documents setting out the individual settlements for Network Rail’s routes and the System Operator
  • a range of other related documents.

For reference, the documents we published as part of our draft determination for PR18 are available on our website. The independent consultancy and reporter studies relating to our final determination are also available.

Supplementary documents relating to our assessment of Network Rail’s plans Collapse accordion Open accordion

Supplementary documents relating to our policy approach Collapse accordion Open accordion