This page includes all legal notices issued as part of PR18. It also includes links to Network Rail's price lists for track access charges.
Grant mechanisms for CP6
At the point we issued our review notices in December 2018 (see below), Network Rail and each of the Secretary of State and Scottish Ministers had not yet concluded their agreements relating to network grant payments for control period 6 (CP6). In particular, the mechanism for varying grant payments in certain circumstances from year to year had not been agreed. Our review notice included a provision in Schedule 7 of franchised track access agreements for us to approve or determine this mechanism before the start of CP6. Our approval/determination letters are set out below.
Review Implementation Notices
On 11 March 2019, we concluded the statutory implementation process for PR18 by serving and publishing review implementation notices pursuant to paragraph 7 of Schedule 4A to the Railways Act 1993. These confirmed that the changes we proposed to make to access agreements (as set out in the review notices that we issued on 20 December 2018) would be implemented on 1 April 2019.
The review implementation notices directed the parties to the relevant access agreements to amend their agreements so that the changes would come into effect on and from 1 April 2019.
The seven review implementation notices, and the accompanying covering letter that we issued with them, are available below. We have also included MS Word versions of the template supplemental agreements for the parties to access agreements to use when complying with our directions.
Review implementation notice | Template supplemental agreement |
Charter Operator Track Access Agreements | PR18 Charter Operator - template supplemental agreement |
Franchised Passenger Track Access Agreements | PR18 Franchised Operator - template supplemental agreement |
Freight Customer Track Access Agreements | PR18 Freight Customer - template supplemental agreement |
Freight Operator Track Access Agreements | PR18 Freight Operator - template supplemental agreement |
Open Access Passenger Track Access Agreements | PR18 Open Access (non-TER) - template supplemental agreement (NYMR, West Coast Railway Company - Jacobite services, Eurostar) PR18 Open Access (TER) - template supplemental agreement (East Coast Trains, Grand Central, Hull Trains and South Yorkshire Supertram) |
Station Long Term Charges | PR18 stations - template supplemental agreement |
Traction Electricity Rules | N/A |
Notices of agreement Collapse accordion Open accordion
On 8 February 2019, we issued ‘notices of agreement’ to Network Rail’s access agreement customers (beneficiaries). These confirmed that Network Rail had not objected to the proposed changes to access agreements set out in our review notices (issued on 20 December 2018. The notices also gave the beneficiaries 28 days in which to decide to give notice to terminate their agreements, if they wished to do so. These are available below:
- Covering letter - Issue of notices of agreement
- Notice of agreement: Charter Operator Track Access Agreements
- Notice of agreement: Franchised Passenger Track Access Agreements
- Notice of agreement: Freight Customer Track Access Agreements
- Notice of agreement: Freight Operator Track Access Agreements
- Notice of agreement: Open Access Passenger Operator Track Access Agreements
- Notice of agreement: Station Long Term Charges
- Notice of agreement: Traction Electricity Rules
Review notices Collapse accordion Open accordion
On 20 December 2018, we began the formal implementation of PR18. We did this by serving review notices and publishing them on our website pursuant to paragraph 4 to Schedule 4A to the Railways Act 1993. The seven review notices, and the accompanying covering letter that we issued with them, are available below:
- Covering letter - Implementation of the 2018 periodic review
- Review notice: Charter Operator Track Access Agreements
- Review notice: Franchised Passenger Track Access Agreements
- Review notice: Freight Customer Track Access Agreements
- Review notice: Freight Operator Track Access Agreements
- Review notice: Open Access Passenger Operator Track Access Agreements
- Review notice: Station Long Term Charges
- Review notice: Traction Electricity Rules
We consulted in July 2018 on how we would implement PR18 into track and access contracts (see here). On 8 February 2019, we published our conclusions on this. These explain our final decisions on drafting, as set out in the review notices.
Network Rail's price lists/schedules for CP6 Collapse accordion Open accordion
On 20 December 2018 Network Rail published its price lists/schedules of charges that will apply to track access contracts in control period 6 (CP6). CP6 will run from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2024. These are available on Network Rail's website. Where appropriate, Network Rail will also publish annual versions showing CPI uplifts.
The original December 2018 CP6 price lists/schedules for track access contracts are also set out below:
- Schedule of fixed charges
- Track Usage Price List
- Traction Electricity Modelled Consumption Rates List
- Open Access ICC Rates List (for Infrastructure Cost Charges)
Network Rail will publish the 'Schedule of Baseline Timetabled Traffic' relating to franchised passenger track access contracts by 31 October 2019, pending our approval.
Network Rail has also published lists of the CP6 stations long term charges for both managed and franchised stations. These charges are specifically listed in our stations long term review notice (see above), and so are not repeated here.
Legal notices relating to the initiation of PR18 Collapse accordion Open accordion
Extension notice (relating to our review initiation notice)
This notice extended the deadline set out in our notice of 27 March 2017 for the Secretary of State and Scottish Ministers to submit the documents known as the high-level output specifications and statement of funds available to us.
Review initiation notice
Published 27 March 2017
This notice sets out our proposal to undertake an access charges review under paragraph 1C of schedule 4A to the Railways Act 1993. This initiates the formal legal process for the 2018 periodic review.