Periodic review 2018: draft determination

Consultation status
Conclusions published
Date of publication
Closing date

The 2018 periodic review (PR18) was the process through which we determined what Network Rail should deliver in respect of its role in operating, maintaining and renewing its network in control period 6 (CP6) and how the funding available should be best used to support this. CP6 will run from 2019-2024.

Our draft determination set out our proposed decisions on this, along with our approach for how we would regulate Network Rail’s delivery in CP6.  In particular, it reflected our review of Network Rail’s February 2018 strategic business plans (SBPs), which set out what it proposed to deliver in CP6.

Our draft determination included separate proposed decisions for England & Wales and for Scotland, reflecting legislative requirements relating to how Network Rail is funded.

We received 52 responses to the draft determination consultation and some respondents additionally provided responses to the consultation on Network Rail's network licence. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

After reviewing responses to the draft determination consultation, we published a summary of comments on the consultation and our response. We have published the consultation responses in three separate packs; one for Network Rail's responses and two non-Network Rail response packs arranged alphabetically. Please note that the response packs contain all responses to the consultations on PR18 draft determination and review of Network Rail's network licence combined.

Consultation on PR18 draft determination - summary of comments and our response

Consultation responses

Responses to consultation on PR18 draft determination - Network Rail responses

Responses to consultation on PR18 draft determination - non-Network Rail responses (A-L)

Responses to consultation on PR18 draft determination - non- Network Rail responses (M-Z)

For the decisions we took for PR18 final determination in October 2018, please see the webpage for this which includes the decisions documents and route settlement documents for CP6.

Press release - England and Wales
Press release - Scotland

A summary of the roundtable sessions ORR held with stakeholders in England & Wales and Scotland during summer 2018 on PR18 draft determination is available.

Consultation documents

Main overview documents

Executive summary – England & Wales
Executive summary – Scotland
PR18 draft determination: overview of decisions and approach

The draft determination includes a number of supporting documents:

  • supplementary documents providing more detail on our SBP assessment
  • supplementary documents providing more detail on the proposed policy framework for CP6
  • draft settlement documents discussing the proposed settlements we intend to set for the Freight & National Passenger Operator route and System Operator
  • route review summaries for England & Wales routes

Supplementary documents relating to our SBP assessment Collapse accordion Open accordion

Draft settlement documents Collapse accordion Open accordion

Route review summaries Collapse accordion Open accordion

The nature of our draft determination decisions in England & Wales, which required Network Rail to do further planning, meant that we did not set out draft settlements for these routes at this point.

We published an overview of our SBP engagement with each route, a summary of our overall decisions in England & Wales and our assessment of the stakeholder engagement that each route undertook to inform its strategic plan. The settlement documents for these routes were published in October 2018.