Annual assessments of Network Rail


These documents are part of how we hold Network Rail to account. 

Our current annual assessment of Network Rail sets out our views on Network Rail’s performance between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, the fifth year of Control Period 6 (CP6), which ran from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2024.

This assessment reviews Network Rail's network wide performance.

The report includes annexes which review the performance of Network Rail’s regions, and its System Operator function, including how it has performed for freight and national passenger operators. We also include an annex on the performance of Wales and Borders route, presented in both English and Welsh.

Our annual assessment is published once a year in the summer. In the autumn we provide an interim assessment addressing specific issues of concern. 

Current report

Previous assessments

Previous assessments are listed below. For earlier publications visit the National Archives (2013 to 2016). Older publications including our first edition in 2005 can also be found on the National Archives.