
Here you'll find all our publications, reports, determinations and statements. 

17 July 2014
This report highlights examples of innovative and positive steps that train operators are taking to engage and respond to passengers.

A greater role for ORR regulating passenger franchisees in England and Wales

8 July 2014
Start date: 22 December 2011 Closing date: 2 March 2012 This joint ORR and Department for Transport consultation sought views on the potential for an expanded role for ORR in respect of new passenger rail franchises in England and Wales. It set out areas where the Government believes there may be a case for ORR doing more in relation to the protection of passenger interests, in line with the

Revising railway safety regulations: Railway Safety (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1997, Railway Safety Regulations 1999 and Railway Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2001

8 July 2014
In 2014, as part of the Government's 'Red Tape Challenge' to reduce unnecessary secondary legislation, we consulted on our proposals to revoke the Railway Safety (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1997, Railway Safety Regulations 1999 and Railway Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2001 (together ‘the current Regulations’) and replace them with a new set of regulations. The decision

Periodic review 2013 (PR13) consultations

1 July 2014

Content archived on 02 July 2024

A list of our closed PR13 consultations in date order. Consultation on implementation of CP5 capacity charge for new open access operators Last updated: 1 Jul 2014 Consultation about our proposed approach to implement our decision on the capacity charge rates payable by new entrant open access operators (OAOs) during CP5. Capacity charge baselines for freight, open access passenger and charter

Prohibition notices 2014

19 June 2014
This page contains details of prohibition notices issued in 2014. Copies of the notices can be found on our public register . Company and notice number Brief description Issue date Compliance date Result London Underground Limited P/KPD1/10/10/2014 The notice was served due to scaffolding at Northfields Depot being unsafe due to insufficient guards being in place – which could lead to staff

Consultation on implementation of CP5 capacity charge for new open access operators

16 May 2014

Content archived on 02 July 2024

Date published: 16 May 2014 Closing date: 1 July 2014 Consultation about our proposed approach to implement our decision on the capacity charge rates payable by new entrant open access operators (OAOs) during CP5. In our final determination we made our decision on the capacity charge rates payable by new entrant open access operators (OAOs) during CP5. We said that: New entrant OAOs will pay CP4

Modification to the National Station Access Conditions 2013 (England & Wales) and National Station Access Conditions 2013 (Scotland)

8 May 2014
Date published: 8 May 2014 Closing date: 4 July 2014 This consultation is now closed. We issued a formal consultation under Condition B6 of the National Station Access Conditions 2013 ("NSACs") to modify those Access Conditions to rectify a cross-referencing error that resulted from the PR13 review notice for stations. The consultation closed on 4 July 2014 and on 21 July 2014 we issued a formal

28 April 2014
The health of its workforce is crucial to our industry’s success. It’s fundamental to running an efficient and responsible business. For an industry turning over £18bn annually and employing more than 150,000 people, the business case is pretty straightforward.

Route-level efficiency benefit sharing (REBS) mechanism

16 April 2014
The route level efficiency benefit sharing (REBS) mechanism was designed to encourage Network Rail and train operators (passenger and freight) to work together and allow both to share in Network Rail's efficiency gains or losses on an annual basis.

GB rail industry financial information 2012-13

15 April 2014
GB rail industry financial information 2012-13 presents ORR's analysis of the latest financial data from train operators, Network Rail and governments. Key findings include: Passenger income was £7.7bn in 2012-13, a real terms increase of 3.6% from 2011-12. This is partly attributable to a 2.9% increase in the number of passenger journeys. Passenger income represents ticket income from passenger

Passenger experience report

2 April 2014
A summary of the passengers’ experience of planning journeys, choosing rail, buying tickets and using its services drawing on new research into passengers’ decisions, past research into buying and travel habits.

31 March 2014
This set of criteria aims to reduce duplication by having criteria that are applicable to both infrastructure managers and transport undertakings together in one place. Any criteria that apply to infrastructure managers only or to transport undertakings only are clearly stated. The only regulatory change that has been reflected in the new criteria is in relation to the 28-day ‘affected party’

PR13 success criteria

27 March 2014
Here you can view the objectives and criteria which we will use to evaluate the success of the periodic review 2013 (PR13), the multi-billion pound plan for improving Britain's railways between 2014 and 2019.

Occupational health formal enforcement

26 March 2014
As part of ORR's strategy to raise awareness on occupational health under our health programme, we will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance

Capacity charge baselines for freight, open access passenger and charter operators

19 March 2014

Content archived on 02 July 2024

In our Periodic review 2013: final determination of Network Rail's outputs and funding for 2014-19, we concluded that the capacity charge would be levied on freight, open access and charter operators in CP5 subject to a number of baselines, so that Network Rail would effectively receive a higher charge for traffic above certain thresholds as part of a year-end reconciliation or wash-up process.

Retail market review for selling tickets

19 February 2014
The purpose of the review is to consider how current regulation and industry arrangements and practices within the retail market are facilitating choice and, in particular, promoting investment and innovation in the best interest of passengers. Stakeholder workshop ORR's stakeholder workshop for the review of the rail retail market took place on 8 May 2014. The note and presentation slides below