
Here you'll find all our publications, reports, determinations and statements. 

Setting the financial and incentive framework for Network Rail in control period 5 (CP5)

31 January 2014
This page sets out details of our document periodic review 2013: setting the financial and incentive framework for Network Rail in CP5 , which we published on 1 May 2012. In 2011, we published the following consultations which covered issues relating to the financial and incentive framework for control period 5 ( CP5 ): our first consultation on PR13 , 25 May 2011; consultation on the potential

Improvement notices 2013

23 January 2014
A list of 2013 health and safety notices which allow time for the recipient to comply with the law.

Improvement notices

23 January 2014
Our inspectors normally enforce health and safety standards by giving advice on how to comply with the law. Sometimes they must order people to make improvements by issuing them with a notice, for example an improvement notice, which allows time for the recipient to comply.

Rail Value for Money study - Consultants' reports

22 January 2014
The rail Value for Money (VfM) study commissioned a number of consultants' reports to inform its thinking. This page provides links to copies of these reports. While these reports were commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR), the findings and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the DfT and the ORR

On the Move: making sense of car and train travel trends in Britain

22 January 2014
In early 2012, the Office of Rail Regulation, in conjunction with the Independent Transport Commission, the RAC Foundation and Transport Scotland, co-sponsored a study on car and rail traffic trends in Great Britain. The study, based on National Travel Survey data from 1995 – 2007, investigated behaviour changes and other factors which may be causing a leveling off in car traffic and sustained

GB rail industry financial information 2011-12

22 January 2014
GB rail industry financial information 2011-12 presents ORR's analysis of the latest financial data from train operators, Network Rail and governments. Key findings include: Passenger income was £7.2bn in 2011-12, an increase of 8.7% from 2010-11. This is partly attributable to a 7.2% increase in the number of passenger journeys. Passenger income represents ticket income from passenger journeys as

GB rail industry financial information 2010-11

22 January 2014
'GB rail industry financial information 2010-11' presents ORR's analysis of the latest financial data from train operators, Network Rail and governments. Key findings include: Total rail industry costs were £11bn in 2010-2011 – 52.5% of costs were incurred for operating and maintaining the rail network and 47.5% in operating trains. The majority of these costs were covered by income from passenger

Annual efficiency and finance assessment of Network Rail 2012 - Annex B

21 January 2014
This annex provides information about Network Rail's historic income, expenditure and efficiency. The information is for GB and where possible England & Wales and Scotland separately. More detail about Network Rail and Railtrack's income and expenditure can be found in its regulatory accounts, which are available on Network Rail's website. Chart [B1]: OMR expenditure from 1995-96 to 2011-12 (Great

Annual efficiency and finance assessment of Network Rail 2013 - Annex to the report

21 January 2014
This annex provides information about Network Rail's historic income, expenditure and efficiency. The information is for Great Britain and where possible England & Wales and Scotland separately. More detail about Network Rail and Railtrack's income and expenditure can be found in its regulatory accounts, which are available on Network Rail's website . Chart A1: OMR expenditure from 1995-96 to 2012

Rail Value for Money study

17 January 2014
The Value for Money Study was commissioned jointly by the Department for Transport and the Office of Rail Regulation. The Study's final report puts forward a wide range of recommendations focused on creating an industry environment which encourages cost reduction, changes which deliver new efficiencies, and mechanisms to drive implementation. The Study estimates that implementing these

Long-term regulatory statement - opportunities and challenges for the railway

14 January 2014

Content archived on 02 July 2024

Our long-term regulatory statement – 'Opportunities and Challenges for the Railway' – discusses how our regulation may develop in line with the changing shape of the industry, and identifies priorities for the growth and sustainability of Britain's railways. Railways have been a major success story for the past decade. Passenger demand is at the highest ever and freight numbers are growing. This

Independent reporters

14 January 2014
Independent reporters provide professional advice to the ORR on the quality of Network Rail's service provision, as specified in its licence.

Portsmouth resignalling documentation

14 January 2014
On 30 July 2007, we imposed a penalty of £2.4m for Network Rail's breach of its licence in failing adequately to evaluate and mitigate the risks associated with the Portsmouth resignalling project and to manage its contractor in line with best practice. The documents below provide more background to our decision. Portsmouth Resignalling - enforcement - letter to NR 6 Sep 2007 Portsmouth

Infrastructure capability documentation

14 January 2014
On 2 March 2006, we imposed a fine of £250,000 on Network Rail for its failure to ensure the information it made available to the industry on the capability of its infrastructure was accurate. Infrastructure Capability - letter to NR regarding completion of final milestones in the recovery plan PDF icon PDF, 103 Kb 10 Jan 2008 Infrastructure Capability - Breach of Network Licence - Letter from

Overruns documentation

14 January 2014
On 13 May 2008, we imposed a penalty of £14m on Network Rail because of systemic weaknesses in Network Rail's planning and execution of engineering work which represented a serious and continuing breach of its licence. These problems were exposed in our investigation into the overruns into the New Year. Improving project delivery - 2010 Audits - ORR letter to Network Rail 15 Jul 2010 Improving