Below are the key stages of the 2013 periodic review (PR13):
- Stage one - from May 2011 until March 2012
This stage focused on consulting on a number of key issues in preparation for subsequent stages. It culminated in our advice to the Secretary of State and Scottish Ministers on how they should develop their high-level output specification (HLOS) and a statement on funding available (SoFA).These set out what they wanted the railways to achieve between 2014 and 2019 and the public financial resources that would be, or were likely to be, available for this.
- Stage two - from March 2012 to October 2013
During this phase we consulted on detailed issues relating to the regulatory framework and how access charges should be set. The Secretary of State and Scottish Ministers also issued their HLOSs and SoFAs to us. It ended with the publication of our final determination on 31 October 2013.
- Stage three - from October 2013 to April 2014
During this stage, ORR and Network Rail, with its partners, focus on implementing the final determination. This includes the issue by ORR of the detailed changes to access agreements and Network Rail's network licence required to reflect the final determination. Network Rail and its partners also undertake detailed planning work ahead of 1 April 2014 to implement the determination.