Rail professionals

Occupational health

10 January 2014
Advice and guidance on occupational health matters for railway managers and employees.

Health and safety investigation and enforcement powers

10 January 2014
How we are informed when a serious incident occurs and how we work with other bodies in the railway to find out what has happened and why, and the range of our formal enforcement powers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Our strategy

17 December 2013
Our business plan summarises what we aim to achieve every year and provides detail around our strategic objectives.

High Speed 1 (HS1) regulation

6 December 2013
As the economic and safety regulator for HS1 Ltd, we require the company to be efficient and perform well.

Implementing PR13 - capacity charge

4 November 2013

Content archived on 07 July 2024

This consultation was extended to 4 November 2013, as explained in our update letter of 25 October 2013 clarifying the contractual wording in relation to freight operators.

Capacity charge for freight operators

14 October 2013

Content archived on 07 July 2024

This letter was a consultation setting out the ORR's proposed conclusions for the capacity charge for freight operators in control period 5 (CP5), with reference to the Rail Delivery Group (RDG)'s proposal received in the letter dated 13 September 2013 .

Draft determination

14 September 2013

Content archived on 07 July 2024

The 2013 Periodic Review (PR13) is the process through which we determine the outputs that Network Rail must deliver, the efficient cost of delivering those outputs, and the access charges the company can levy on train operators for using its network to recover those costs. Our draft determination set out our package of overall decisions on PR13 for consultation.