Rail professionals

Health case studies

13 January 2014
Case studies that show examples of good practice in managing railway workers' health are set out below.

Advice and guidance on workplace health

13 January 2014
Information is provided for employers and employees on health in the work place generally, specific health issues, healthy lifestyles and managing health risks

Risk management

13 January 2014
High-level guidance and general principles on assessing whether risks on Britain's railways have been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable.

Railway infrastructure and vehicle safety

13 January 2014
ORR has powers of investigation and enforcement to ensure that railway operators are controlling risks posed by infrastructure and railway vehicles.

HS1 criteria and procedures

10 January 2014
The criteria and procedures (C&Ps) to follow in approving track access contracts for the High Speed 1 network.

Access to HS1

10 January 2014
Our role in approving track access to the High Speed 1 (HS1) network for train operators.

Topic specific guidance

10 January 2014
Information is provided here for employers and employees on health in the work place generally, specific health issues, healthy lifestyles and managing health risks.