As part of ORR's strategy to raise awareness on occupational health under our health programme, we will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance
We will continue to take enforcement action in a targeted and proportionate way where health risks are not being properly controlled, in line with health and safety legislation and our enforcement policy.
ORR enforcement notices on health risks
Two prohibition notices were served on Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd for not preventing a risk of serious musculoskeletal injury to employees and contractors due to both single individual employees or contractors manually lifting or carrying 10 or more units of troughing, weighing 40kg or more and two employees or contractors manually lifting or carrying 10 or more units of troughing weighing 70kg or more at multiple sites.
They were also served two improvement notices. The first, for not making a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of their signallers from pulling and/or pushing levers to operate points or signals. The second, for not assessing the risk of exposure to vibration to their Chester Permanent Way employees and identify measures to reduce those risks.
Further information can be found on the improvement and prohibition notices pages on this website.