Rail professionals

The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations

21 May 2013
The European Commission adopted Regulation 445/2011 on a system of certification of ECMs for freight wagons (the ECM Regulation) on 10 May 2011. We have consulted on the draft regulations to give effect to the ECM Regulation in Great Britain and bring the enforcement of it in line with our existing enforcement remit. In the light of lessons learned from operating under the current regime and other

Contingency planning for PR13 implementation

17 May 2013

Content archived on 07 July 2024

In April 2013, we consulted Network Rail and train operators on our proposed contingency plan in the event that there is a delay to the formal implementation of the 2013 periodic review (PR13).

Volume incentive

5 February 2013

Content archived on 07 July 2024

This consultation set out our package of proposals to improve the effectiveness of the volume incentive.

The Railways and other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

31 May 2011
We consulted on proposals for Regulations implementing Directive 2008/110/EC and Directive 2009/149/EC in Great Britain, both of which amend Directive 2004/49/EC (the Railway Safety Directive). Directive 2008/110/EC establishes a system for maintenance arrangements across the European Union. Summary of key outcomes Consultation on the Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) (Amendment

Penalty notices

22 November 2010

Content archived on 07 July 2024

Notices issued due to a breach or a failure to comply with an enforcement order. Notice in accordance with section 57C(6) of the Railways Act 1993 stating that the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) has imposed a penalty of £3m on Network Rail infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) for a contravention of condition 1 of its network licence 22 Nov 2010 Notice in accordance with section 57C of the