Our Consumer Expert Panel provides independent advice to help us fulfil our vision of making the rail industry better for current and future consumers.
We regularly commission research, working with expert agencies and the rail industry to gather feedback on passengers' experiences of accessibility, and assisted travel services.
Ian Prosser reviews the successes and challenges during his time as HM Chief Inspector of Railways and offers advice to his successor Richard Hines, who also shares what he expects to achieve in his new role.
A proposal to include an appendix to the Goal Setting Principles for Railway Health and Safety setting out additional factors to be considered for operation of passenger trains in GOA4, Unattended Train Operation configuration.
This page contains all Core Valley Lines (CVL) track access application consultations, decisions, consolidated agreements, and the CVL charging framework. It also contains information on the CVL Network Code, including details of any approved modifications to the Code, and our consultations on a network licence for the operator of the network.