
Updated RIDDOR guidance for dutyholders

30 January 2025
RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations and we are the enforcing authority for RIDDOR within the railway industry.
Sarah Edmunds
Sarah Edmunds
Senior Policy Adviser, Railway Safety
Cover Image
Railway tracks at Glasgow Central station

This means that any reportable incidents occurring on the railway, including injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences, must be reported to the us, by law, under RIDDOR regulations.

We have produced an updated version of both our RIDDOR Guidance document and our online RIDDOR reporting form, following the Health and Safety Executive’s post-implementation review of RIDDOR. The changes we have made are minor, and there are no alterations to the legal requirements of RIDDOR.

Our updated guidance will assist dutyholders who are required to submit a report under RIDDOR to the ORR, and on the application of RIDDOR to railways, tramways and any other system using guided transport.   

Changes to the guidance include:

  • adding more example situations to aid dutyholders in understanding the legislation and determining if incidents are reportable
  • removing obsolete or dated references
  • adding a new chapter on road vehicle accidents
  • a new appendix also sets out these changes from the previous version of the guidance

Changes to the reporting form and guidance for completing the form include: