Serious incidents requiring notification by telephone


This page contains a list of fatalities, serious injuries and serious dangerous occurrences that need to be notified to us by telephone.

Any accident (derailment, collision, fire etc.) to a passenger train, tram or guided transport system where fatalities or serious injuries occur to passengers, rail employees, other members of the public.

  • Any serious accident to a train, tram or guided transport system (e.g. high speed derailment or head-on collision) even if there are no casualties.
  • Any accident involving the release or combustion of dangerous goods from a train which necessitates the evacuation of railway personnel or the general public from the area affected.
  • Any dangerous occurrence (see Chapter 5) involving a freight train carrying radioactive materials.
  • Any collision between a train and a road vehicle at a level crossing whether or not there have been any injuries.
  • Any pedestrian fatality at any type of level crossing.
  • Any fatal accident or serious injury (life threatening) to a rail employee on duty.
  • Any incident in which a passenger or their clothing or baggage is caught in the doors of a departing train in a manner likely to kill or injure that person. These incidents are required to be reported under RIDDOR only if:

    ☑ There is a failure of the doors; or
    ☑ A passenger is taken to hospital for treatment in respect of a work-related injury.

  • Any child (age under 18 years) trespasser fatally or seriously injured on the railway.
  • Any fatality or life threatening injury to a passenger.
  • The overturning or collapse of any crane, collapse of a high scaffold, collapse of a bridge or tunnel, failure of a structure which occurs on, or blocks, a railway.
  • Any incident of a runaway involving a train, wagon, engineers' trolley or on-track machinery.
  • Any incident which results or could have resulted in the release of a biological agent likely to cause severe human infection or illness (for example Legionella).
  • Any reportable injury or dangerous occurrence not mentioned above which receives or is likely to receive media attention.