External communications


Under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 ORR is required to ensure its website and published documents are accessible, to ensure the content is understood by as many people as possible. Disability and age are relevant to this, and it supports in eliminating indirect discrimination.

ORR’s external website is managed in line with its published accessibility statement. This was originally prepared in 2019 but is regularly reviewed, most recently in March 2024. The website is periodically tested to ensure it meets required standards and this was also done in March 2024. It is currently partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2, with a rating of AA. Alt text is provided on website and social media imagery, while a transcript is available for audio and video content. Captions are also provided on videos. 

Staff can refer to internal guidance on producing accessible reports and plain English is encouraged through the ORR style guide. Word and HTML web content templates also facilitate this.

Guidance is available for external suppliers and the requirement to follow this guidance is embedded in procurement contracts. 

ORR’s digital team undertakes accessibility checks on documents before they are published. Communications staff responsible for the above are also trained in accessible communications.