Decision making


Given the nature of ORR’s responsibilities in the sectors we regulate, the primary area of focus for us is on people with reduced mobility, which has relevance to the protected characteristics of disability, age, and pregnancy and maternity. Under section 149 of Equality Act 2010, ORR must give “due regard” to the three aims of the general equality duty within its regulatory decision making.

We consider the potential impact of a decision/policy on groups that share protected characteristics, and record evidence of any Equality Impact Assessment to demonstrate that we have discharged our Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) obligations. To ensure we are considering PSED in all our decision making, we have built checks into our Board/committee paper template.

We monitor policy papers going to ORR’s executive and regulatory committees and keep a record of the Equality Impact Assessments produced as part of our policy making. To support ORR’s policy makers we have internal guidance available, and an Equality Impact Assessment template is available to improve consistency.

Where our regulatory responsibilities relate to different duties defined in licence or legislation, we ensure a joined-up approach to decision making. For example, we have established an ‘Accessibility Hub’ to coordinate cross-office input into matters relating to accessibility.