How to apply for a new train driving licence, or apply to renew an existing licence


How to get or renew a train driving licence

A train driving licence is the property of the train driver, and they must always carry it whilst they are driving, alongside their train driving certificate. Once issued, the licence is the driver's personal property (while the certificate is the property of the train operator).

We have the duty to suspend or withdraw a licence in certain circumstances. 

1. How to get or renew a train driving licence

A train operator or infrastructure manager will make a new licence application on the train driver's behalf. They will also make a similar application to renew a licence before it expires. There is no cost to the train driver.

Train operators must submit applications online via our Train Driving Licence portal ('TDL Portal'). The TDL Portal is only available to ORR staff and operators/the Infrastructure Manager who employ licenced drivers. 

Train operators must keep their own records about when a driver's licence is due to expire and apply to us in good time for its renewal.

All applications for new train driving licences and their renewal must be made on the ORR train driving licence portal. If for any reason an operator/infrastructure manager has a problem accessing the portal, please contact us by emailing

How long is a train driving licence valid for?

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At issue, a licence is valid for 10 years. To maintain validity, drivers must continue to meet all the conditions for holding a licence, including passing required medical examinations. We must suspend or withdraw a licence if we consider that one or more of the conditions are no longer being met.


The licence renewal process

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Train operators are responsible for monitoring their train drivers and maintaining their own complete records, including when licences will expire.

Operators must make an application to renew a licence on the TDL portal and liaise with their drivers as required. Applications should be made in advance of the expiry date. You can apply to renew a licence at any time, but at a minimum one month before expiry (preferably at least two months).

Once we have considered each application, approved licence renewals will result in a new printed licence. Each renewed licence card will be sent to the train operator's nominated address (and not to the driver directly). Our train driving licence portal will also be updated.

If a driver is on secondment, maternity or paternity leave or similar, our expectation is that their employing operator/infrastructure manager will make contact with them in advance of the licence expiry date.   

Should a driver want to renew their licence, but they are currently not currently employed by a train operator/infrastructure manager, please contact us by emailing  at least one month in advance of the licence expiry date (preferably at least two months).

Train drivers should keep hold of their old licence card until they receive the new licence. Once they receive the new licence card, they must dispose of the old licence securely.

What to do if a train driver loses their licence

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If a driver loses their licence or it is stolen or destroyed, they must tell their train operator immediately. The operator can request a duplicate licence to be reissued by the Office of Rail and Road. 

Until the operator/infrastructure manager receives the duplicate licence they must take reasonable steps to provide evidence to a driver to prove that they hold a valid licence if challenged by an ORR inspector. It is a legal requirement that a driver must carry the licence with them when driving.

Should a lost licence be found once a duplicate licence has been issued, the driver should securely destroy the original licence.

What to do if a train driver changes their details

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We need to be advised of some changes to driver's details.

If a driver changes their name, their employer needs to notify us by e-mailing Tell us about the driver's old full name, their date of birth and their licence number. Then provide detail of the name change and supply evidence (for example, copies of the legal documents such as deed poll, marriage or civil partnership certificate). We will also require a copy of the drivers new signature. We will amend the licence register to show the new name and an updated licence will be posted to the employing operator.

Train operators must inform us promptly if one of their drivers is required to wear glasses/contact lenses or hearing aids. Please email full details of the driver and details of change to and we will arrange for an updated licence to be posted to the employing operator.


Train drivers' examinations

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Licenced train drivers need to pass periodic medical examinations throughout their driving career. These examinations will take place at least every 3 years, until drivers reach the age fifty-five. After this age, examinations will take place at least every year. Operators/the infrastructure manager may also require medical examinations at other times. 

Drivers have a duty in law to report health issues which they consider may call into question their ability to drive trains to their employer.

Train operators/the infrastructure manager are required by law to maintain records of all train driving licence medicals. They must also advise us immediately if a required periodic medical examination has not been passed and the reason for this, as this is one of the conditions for holding a valid licence.

Medical examinations must be undertaken by an ORR recognised doctor. Psychological examinations must be undertaken by an ORR recognised psychologist. Training and examination must be undertaken by an ORR recognised training and/or examination centre. Our registers contain details of these recognised people and organisations


2. How to get or renew a train driving certificate

We do not issue train driving certificates. These can only be arranged by a train operating company.

What happens when a train driver leaves their train operator?

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There is a requirement for train operators to inform us when a driver leaves their employment, so that we can update the register. Previous train operators need to:

  • let us know the date the driver left
  • tell us the name of the new train company employing the driver (where known)

A driver's licence is their property, and they need to keep this when they change their train operator, as a train driving licence remains valid when the driver decides to work for someone else as a train driver.

3. Licence suspension or withdrawal and appeals against certificate decisions

We must suspend or withdraw a licence if a driver does not meet the conditions for holding it. If we do this, drivers must return their licence to us.

If an operator/the infrastructure manager provides us with information that any condition for holding a licence is in doubt, we will consider this. Before we make our decision on whether to suspend or withdraw a licence, we will write to the driver and ask them if they want to tell us anything. 

Train companies may refuse to update or issue a train driving certificate or withdraw or suspend it. They must do this if they think the driver not longer meet the conditions for holding it. 

  • Drivers can appeal to us against this decision. procedure and guidance on this is available.

What can lead to suspension or withdrawal of a licence?

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If we consider that any of the conditions for holding a licence we have issued are no longer being met, we will suspend or withdraw it. 

During a period of suspension, a train driver cannot drive trains on the mainline railway. But if the conditions for the licence are later met to our satisfaction, we will reinstate the licence. 

If we withdraw a licence, this is permanent. In order to drive trains on the mainline again, a driver whose licence has been withdrawn would need a completely new licence.

What happens to the licence if a driver leaves a particular train company?

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The law requires train operators to tell us when someone stops working for them as a train driver. Only the Office of Rail and Road can make decisions on a train driving licence. 

There are different scenarios when someone leaves employment as a driver. Some might have an impact on the licence, and some may not. The following are illustrations only as we consider each case on its own merits. But, for example:

  • If a train company dismisses a driver, this may have an effect on the validity of the  train driving licence. If they were dismissed for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol or not having passed a required medical examination, these details must be reported to ORR. We will consider the case using out procedure and guidance for suspending or withdrawing a train driving licence, here
  • If a driver has been involved in an incident which brings their driving competence into question, it will be for their train operator to decide whether action should be taken in relation to the driver's train driving certificate. They may choose to inform us if the matter also relates to the train driving licence which will will consider separately
  • If a train driver is dismissed for non-driving reasons (for example attendance or timekeeping), typically this would not affect the validity of their train driving licence unless there were other matters involved relating to the conditions for holding a licence.

Train operators/the infrastructure manager should contact ORR immediately by email ( once they have read our Guidance on Train Driving Licence Suspension and Withdrawal if they have any questions about a driver leaving their employment and the implications for their train driving licence 

Train operators/the infrastructure manager must not retain a driver's licence when they leave or are dismissed. A train driving licence remains the property of the driver, and it stays with them and only the Office of Rail and Road can decisions on it, such as suspension or withdrawal. 

The train driver complementary certificate remains the property of the train company, and the company must give them a certified copy of this when the driver leaves their employment. They should also amend the certificate to show that it has been suspended or withdrawn if that's the case.