How we will make this happen


Governance and oversight

It is vital that everyone at ORR recognises the part they play in implementing our new D&I strategy. There is visible commitment from our leaders who will ensure their teams are fully involved, and structures are now in place to oversee progress.

We have Executive and Board Champions for D&I and accountability for the strategy sits at Executive level. These individuals ensure that our commitment to D&I is a key consideration at Executive and Board discussions. Our D&I Strategy Board will track progress on implementing the strategy and provide oversight and input to our D&I initiatives.

The People Committee will receive an annual report on progress, and will provide assurance to the ORR Board.

We have a D&I Network where colleagues with an interest can discuss issues, learn and share experiences as well as hosting guest speakers and linking with other organisations. The network helps to promote and advocate for our D&I commitments.

Importantly, a separate annual action plan sits alongside this strategy with specific actions, owners and delivery dates that will enable us to achieve the goals. We will regularly report progress against the actions to the D&I Strategy Board, and refresh the plan annually.