
This document presents our refreshed Diversity and Inclusion Strategy for 2024 to 2027, including our goals, how we will meet them, and how we will ensure delivery.

We have a legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, harassment or victimisation of people with protected characteristics.

As a public authority, we are also required under the Public Sector Equality Duty to consider the need to promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people with a protected characteristic and those without.

But we want to do much more than just focus on our legal duties. We want to take action to ensure that we have the diversity of thought and skills we need in our workforce and that everyone feels comfortable and respected at work.

We demonstrate our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) through the values that underpin everything we do: we aim to be inclusive, professional, ambitious and collaborative.

At the end of 2020, we published our first Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, which set out our D&I road map for the next three years. The implementation of our strategy was championed by Executive and Board-level sponsors and we have achieved many, but not all, of our objectives. Our progress so far is summarised in the following pages, along with our learnings.