
Protecting consumers

20 November 2014
Train companies have a number of consumer facing obligations and it is important that passengers get the service to which they are entitled. We oversee a number of these obligations which sit in train companies’ licences and in general consumer law (others sit, for example in train companies’ franchise agreements with Government).

Passenger experience report

2 April 2014
A summary of the passengers’ experience of planning journeys, choosing rail, buying tickets and using its services drawing on new research into passengers’ decisions, past research into buying and travel habits.

Cardiff Central still most heavily used station in Wales

Content archived on 01 July 2024

27 February 2014
Cardiff Central remains the most heavily used station in Wales clocking over 11.6 million passenger entries and exits last year – an increase of 130,146 (or 1.1%) compared to 2011-12, reveals latest data published today by the Office of Rail Regulation.