Rail professionals

Network Charges - a consultation on how charges can improve efficiency

3 August 2016
Date published: 10 December 2015 Closing date: 4 March 2016 This consultation looked at the way in which Network Rail charges train operators for use of its network. These charges affect decisions made by operators, Network Rail and funders. This was the first consultation as part of a comprehensive review of Network Rail’s structure of charges for Control Period 6, (CP6) - (2019-2024) and beyond

Railway Funding and Financing: The System Works – Keep It

Content archived on 06 July 2024

21 July 2016
ORR Chair, Stephen Glaister, argues that the solid arrangements for funding and financing maintenance and growth of Britain’s railways need to be maintained whatever choppy waters lie ahead for Britain’s finances.

A safer, more efficient and better performing railway

Content archived on 06 July 2024

18 May 2016
Rail passengers and freight customers need a safe, reliable and efficient railway. Our role is to support the rail industry to deliver this and to ensure that every pound of the public’s money is well spent.

Passenger rail: Trends and comparisons for franchised operators

23 February 2016

Content archived on 06 July 2024

Passenger rail: Trends and comparisons for franchised operators sets out our analysis of trends in the franchised passenger rail industry and compares the costs and revenues of franchised operators, in the context of the service they provide between 2001 and 2014 .