Rail operators

Rail regulator identifies areas of focus for industry on improving passenger assistance

4 March 2024
The Office of Rail and Road has identified several key areas of focus for the industry as it looks to drive improvement in the delivery of passenger assistance for disabled passengers. The conclusions follow audits commissioned by the regulator into how five operators were meeting regulatory requirements related to the delivery of assistance.

Land disposal policy

13 February 2024
It is important that land in which Network Rail has an interest and which may be important to the continuing operation and future development of the network, and services relating to railways, is not disposed of against the public interest. Condition 17 of Network Rail's network licence safeguards against the inappropriate disposal of land assets.

ORR’s 2023 Authorisations wrapped – 11 new and improved stations across Great Britain

26 January 2024
The opening of a new railway station, or significant improvements to one, brings many benefits for the community it serves- often increasing a station’s capacity, improving accessibility, and providing modern facilities. So it’s important that stations are ready to enter into service as soon as possible, while making sure the organisation that built them has complied with standards covering health