
Office of Rail and Road Update - March 2017

27 March 2017
Late last month the ORR Board headed to Cardiff, where we met some of you from Wales and Western England. At Newport Docks we heard about the challenges for rail freight and road access, and the implications for the planned M4 diversion.

A Tube Train in Leicestershire: An ORR Inspector calls

21 March 2017
In the middle of storm Doris, ORR Inspector Peter Darling visited Network Rail’s Rail Innovation & Development Centre (RIDC) test track – usually known as Old Dalby test track – in Leicestershire.

A new perspective on tunnel vision

14 March 2017
Daniel Brown, Director of Strategy and Policy, blogs about how we work with our French counterparts to regulate the Channel Tunnel.

EWS Limited infringement of the Chapter 2 prohibition

10 March 2017
On 17 November 2006 we informed EWS Ltd of our decision that it had infringed the Chapter II Prohibition of the Competition Act 1998. This decision was based on our findings that EWS concluded contracts whose terms had the effect of excluding competitors from the market for coal haulage by rail and that it had also pursued discriminatory and predatory pricing practices in the same market. English

Report a suspected competition issue

10 March 2017
We welcome information from industry participants, representative groups and the public about practices/conduct that may infringe competition law.

Economic regulation

9 March 2017
We regulate Network Rail, holding it to account for delivering high levels of performance and service, as well as good value for money – for passengers, the freight industry and taxpayers. We also regulate railway networks separate to the national network operated by Network Rail, including the Channel Tunnel and High Speed 1, and we have a limited role in regulating the railway in Northern

Occupational health compliance and good practice

1 March 2017
As part of ORR's strategy to raise awareness on occupational health under our health programme, we will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance.

Schedule 4 and 8 PR18 re-calibration working group

27 February 2017
In our charges and incentives consultation, published in December 2016, we encouraged an industry-led approach to the re-calibration of Schedules 4 and 8 in PR18. To help start this process we hosted a series of regular meetings to agree with industry the approach for recalibrating each aspect of the regimes. There are separate passenger, freight and charter Recalibration Working Groups to account