Research and studies

Enhancements independent reports

7 August 2024
Network Rail's network licence includes a condition providing for independent experts (reporters) to be appointed by the network operator (Network Rail), to provide ORR with advice on different aspects of Network Rail’s performance.

ORR research into accessibility

11 July 2024
We regularly commission research, working with expert agencies and the rail industry to gather feedback on passengers' experiences of accessibility, and assisted travel services.

Asset management independent reports

16 January 2024
Network Rail's network licence includes a condition providing for independent experts (reporters) to be appointed by the network operator (Network Rail), to provide ORR with advice on different aspects of Network Rail’s performance.

Market study into the supply of signalling systems

21 April 2023
Signalling systems are an essential part of the railway. They keep passengers safe by ensuring trains do not come into conflict with each other and play a key role in freeing up capacity on our congested network.

Outputs delivery independent reports

20 July 2022
Network Rail's network licence includes a condition providing for independent experts (reporters) to be appointed by the network operator (Network Rail), to provide ORR with advice on different aspects of Network Rail’s performance.