Policy decisions

First PR13 consultation

14 January 2014
Reference: ORR/013/2011 Date published: 25 May 2011 Start date: 25 May 2011 Closing date: 2 September 2011 A periodic review is a programme of work through which decisions are made on what outputs Network Rail should deliver and the levels of access charges payable by train operators and other sources of funding the company receives. PR13 will establish outputs and access charges/funding for

Consultation on connection contracts

13 January 2014
Date published: 29 October 2013 Closing date: 31 January 2014 Connection contracts are formal agreements between parties who wish to connect their networks together. New connection contracts between Network Rail and other parties do not need specific approval by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) if they are covered by our general approval. This consultation invites views on how our model

Proposed changes to the station access conditions and to the independent station access conditions

13 January 2014
Start date: 16 March 2011 End date: 8 June 2011 We have consulted on proposed modifications to the station access conditions (SACs) and to the independent station access conditions (ISACs) that: are designed to streamline and speed up the station change process; seek to enable and facilitate station change by providing a mechanism where financial compensation issues are addressed through a

Policy on variable usage charges for modified vehicles

13 January 2014
Start date: 6 April 2011 End date: 20 May 2011 We have consulted on our policy regarding the variable usage charges applied to vehicles that have been modified to reduce track damage. The variable usage charge is set to reflect track wear and tear costs. It thereby incentivises train manufacturers, owners and operators to invest in track-friendly vehicles. In this consultation, we proposed to give

Schedule 4 sustained planned disruption - defined service group revenue values

13 January 2014
Start date: 26 October 2010 End date: 5 April 2011 We consulted on the methodology and values for calculating defined service group revenue for each franchised train operator. The defined service group revenue is one benchmark used to identify whether an operator has experienced a period of sustained planned disruption (SPD), typically as a result of Network Rail's planned engineering activities

High level review of track access charges consultation

13 January 2014
Start date: 2 July 2010 End date: 26 August 2010 In June 2010, we published a report on a high level review of track access charges and options for CP5, which we commissioned from CEPA (Cambridge Economic Policy Associates). We consulted on the charging options set out in the report, and on the current structure of track access charges more generally. We have now concluded on this consultation and

Review of arrangements for establishing access charges for control period 4 (CP4)

13 January 2014
Start date: 25 November 2009 End date: 28 January 2010 In November 2009, we started a review of arrangements for establishing track access charges for CP4 by writing to the industry and consulting on these arrangements. We have now concluded on this consultation and the conclusions are set out in Periodic Review 2013 first consultation annexes, that were published on 25 May 2011. The conclusions

Consolidation and revision of freight general approvals

13 January 2014
Reference: ORR/015/2011 Date published: 19 July 2011 Start date: 12 July 2011 Closing date: 23 August 2011 We issued a new general approval pdf icon PDF, 353 Kb on 9 February 2012 which replaced four freight track access general approvals relating to access to Network Rail's network. General approvals allow freight operators and freight customers to enter into or amend track access contracts with

Implementation of the Equality Act 2010 at the Office of Rail Regulation

13 January 2014
Reference: ORR/002/2012 Date published: 25 February 2012 Start date: 25 February 2012 Closing date: 31 March 2012 In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) will publish equality objectives. As a public body ORR has an obligation to give due regard to eliminating discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity, and fostering good relations for people sharing