Proposed changes to the station access conditions and to the independent station access conditions


Start date: 16 March 2011
End date: 8 June 2011

We have consulted on proposed modifications to the station access conditions (SACs) and to the independent station access conditions (ISACs) that:

  • are designed to streamline and speed up the station change process;
  • seek to enable and facilitate station change by providing a mechanism where financial compensation issues are addressed through a separate co-operation agreement and do not delay progress of the change;
  • provide appropriate and proportionate rights and responsibilities to third parties wishing to invest at stations;
  • introduce a new requirement to register station change proposals with ORR; and 
  • will update the access conditions so that they reflect current terminology and the revised access dispute resolution processes.

Please read our letter dated 12 October 2011 for an update on the current position regarding this consultation.

Consultation documents