The regulator reports that the Eastern region retained train service performance at higher levels than before the pandemic, although performance did decline as the network became busier. The region worked with train operators to make performance improvements in many areas, including timetable changes and better infrastructure management.
ORR highlights concerns around ongoing delays in development of a new East Coast Mainline timetable. It seeks assurance from Network Rail and wider industry decision makers that lessons are learned to deliver a more robust process for future timetables.
The regulator also finds that the region generally managed its assets well and delivered significant renewal and enhancement works. It delivered all its planned asset renewal work and asset reliability improved during the year.
However, the region has a backlog of structures examinations which it needs to reduce. Non-compliant examinations are higher than in other regions and it must now deliver improvements.
Stephanie Blyth, ORR’s Senior Regulation Manager for the Eastern region said: