Consultation outcome
Following our consultation in March, we are now updating our regulatory arrangements 2013 for the way we deal with Network Rail's land disposals.
March 2019 consultation Collapse accordion Open accordion
Date published: 25 March 2019
Closing date: 22 April 2019
We have asked for views on our proposed updated arrangements for regulating Network Rail's land disposals. This followed our 2018 periodic review (PR18) of Network Rail’s outputs and funding. As part of the PR18 process we reviewed Network Rail’s network licence, which resulted in a modification to the land disposal licence condition to reflect Network Rail’s operational transformation.
We took this opportunity to amend our regulatory arrangements. The updates we proposed were relatively minor but beneficial in nature, providing further clarity and guidance to Network Rail. They included:
- Amending the general consent to:
- include disposals that would allow construction / enhancement at a station or freight facility for the purposes of providing services relating to railways; and
- include disposals that would provide network connected rail freight activities and rail infrastructure activities.
- Providing further indication in our decision criteria as to when we will consider there is acceptable evidence that land proposed for disposal may have a reasonably foreseeable railway use.
- Amending our Application of policy section relating to enactment-related disposals.
Consultation responses
Responses to regulating Network Rail’s land disposals consultation
Published 31 May 2019
Consultation letter
ORR's regulation of land disposals by Network Rail - Consultation letter
25 March 2019
Proposed 2019 land disposal arrangements
Land disposal by Network Rail - The regulatory arrangements - Draft consultation document
25 March 2019