Service standards


The provisions and service standards we are committed to in 2024 to 2025. 

  • Issue new or revised train driver licences:  100% of applications decided within 1 month of receipt of all necessary documentation

  • ROGS safety certificates and authorisations (Railway and Other Guided Transport Systems Regulations): 100% decided within 4 months of receiving completed application

  • Report to the Rail Accident Investigations Branch (RAIB) on the progress of its recommendations: 100% response to RAIB recommendations within 1 year of associated RAIB report being

  • Efficient processing of technical authorisations: 100% of responses within 28 days of receiving complete submission

  • Approve the Accessible Travel Policy of a new licence holder: 100% approved within 6 weeks of receipt of all relevant information

  • Track, station and depot access applications: 100% decided within 6 weeks of receipt of all relevant information

  • Operator licence and licence exemption applications: 100% decided within 2 months of receipt of all relevant information

  • Freedom of Information requests: 100% of requests for information responded to within 20 working days of receipt*

  • General enquiries and complaints, including adjustment to account for cases investigated: 95% of enquiries and complaints responded to within 20 working days of receipt

  • Data access rights requests: 100% of all data access requests responded to within 1 month of receipt

  • Prompt payment of suppliers’ invoices to ORR: 90% paid within 5 days of valid invoice, 100% paid within 30 days of valid invoice

  • Publication of the four accredited official statistics quarterly statistical releases: 100% published within 4 months of quarter end

  • Market studies: 100% of interim market study reports published within 6 months of launch of market study

  • Proactive, preventative regulatory interventions: 50% of ORR inspector time spent on proactive, preventative regulatory interventions

*includes responding to the requestor to indicate a time extension beyond 20 days will be necessary, for example to consider the application of a public interest test.