This page provides examples of how rail companies can learn from others, including links to good practice case studies on managing work-related stress both from within and outside the rail industry.
Use of the management standards approach by HSE in both the public and private sectors has shown a positive effect on worker health, as well as wider business benefits; a number of business case studies are on HSE's website. Santander's experience demonstrates how a proactive approach which recognises stress as a legitimate business risk rather than a problem for an individual, helped to protects its workforce in a sector typified by high pressure working and organisational change.
In the rail sector, Transport for London and Arriva Trains Wales have produced good practice case studies on managing different aspects of stress, which are on our website.
We have collaborated with RSSB to produce a video guide for managers in the rail industry on how to manage health risks, as part of RSSB's "Health and Wellbeing Assessment (HWA) Resource". Our video case study (scroll down to number 4 at the bottom of the page) looks at how to manage stress in practice, using the HSE management standards, explained by one of our senior managers.
If your company is managing stress using a preventive approach such as the stress management standards or similar, and would be willing to share your experience with others, please contact us.
Please also contact us if your company would like to 'buddy up' with other willing organisations (many of which will be outside the rail sector) who are already managing stress using the HSE management standards approach, so that you can learn from their experience.