Economic regulation

Highways England off to a good start

Content archived on 03 July 2024

3 December 2015
A report published today by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) concludes that the new body responsible for England’s strategic road network, Highways England, has made a good start in its first six months of operation.

About our 2018 periodic review (PR18)

16 November 2015
Periodic reviews are one of the principal mechanisms by which ORR holds Network Rail to account, and secures value for money for users and funders of the railway.

Preparatory work for the review of Schedules 4 and 8

13 November 2015
In late 2015, we began preparing for reviews of Schedules 4 and 8 of the track access contract (the possessions and performance regimes, respectively) for the 2018 periodic review of Network Rail (PR18).

Periodic review 2018 (PR18)

4 August 2015
This section includes information about the 2018 periodic review 2018 (PR18) of Network Rail's outputs and funding for control period 6 (2019-24).

Enforcement policy for Highways England

3 July 2015
Date published: 3 July 2015 Closing date: 25 September 2015 This was ORR's second consultation on its new Highways Monitor role. The Highways Monitor was established to monitor the performance and efficiency of Highways England (previously the Highways Agency) in its management and enhancement of the strategic road network – the motorways and major 'A' roads in England. In addition to our