Economic regulation

Economic regulation

9 March 2017
We regulate Network Rail, holding it to account for delivering high levels of performance and service, as well as good value for money – for passengers, the freight industry and taxpayers. We also regulate railway networks separate to the national network operated by Network Rail, including the Channel Tunnel and High Speed 1, and we have a limited role in regulating the railway in Northern

Schedule 4 and 8 PR18 re-calibration working group

27 February 2017
In our charges and incentives consultation, published in December 2016, we encouraged an industry-led approach to the re-calibration of Schedules 4 and 8 in PR18. To help start this process we hosted a series of regular meetings to agree with industry the approach for recalibrating each aspect of the regimes. There are separate passenger, freight and charter Recalibration Working Groups to account

UK rail industry financial information 2015-16

17 February 2017
22 February 2017 The UK rail industry financial information for 2015-16 presents ORR’s analysis of this financial data. Since 2014-15 the publication has widened its coverage of the industry and made methodological and presentational changes. As a result, comparisons with the 2014-15 publication are to be read within that context. It is important to note that underlying data has not changed

ORR seeks improvement on Highways England’s capital planning, asset management and data reporting

2 February 2017
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has today released its Update on Highways England’s capital planning and asset management, outlining Highways England’s progress in developing better plans for maintaining and improving the motorways and main A roads. It highlights areas where ORR expects further improvement, including Highways England’s management of the condition of roads.

Update on Highways England’s capital planning and asset management

1 February 2017
2 February 2017 ORR published its first annual assessment of Highways England’s performance in July 2016. It was broadly positive, but we reported concerns that the company needs to establish more robust long-term plans for investment delivery and asset management. Our update reports on progress in two areas: Highways England’s development of a robust capital baseline plan; and its work to improve

Driver Controlled Operation (DCO)

4 January 2017
The issue of safety relating to the interface between the platform and train and the safe dispatch of trains is an area of focus for the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) and the industry.