Economic regulation

Guidance on Network Rail’s strategic business plans

25 July 2017
As part of the 2018 periodic review (PR18), Network Rail will produce strategic business plans (SBPs) which will form the main source of evidence that we will use to determine Network Rail’s funding and outputs for CP6.

Consultation on the overall framework for regulating Network Rail

24 July 2017
Draft design for our approach to regulating Network Rail in CP6 This document sets out our approach to regulating Network Rail in control period 6 (CP6, which will run from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2024, as we have consulted on it in the draft determination. Its purpose is a tool to express our proposed framework for regulating Network Rail in a succinct way. Draft design for our approach to

High-level output specifications and statements of funds available

17 July 2017
This page sets out information relating to the high-level output specifications (HLOS) and statements of funds available (SoFA) for CP6. Overview As part of a periodic review, the Scottish Ministers and Secretary of State are required to inform us what they each want railway activities to achieve during the next control period. We call this the ‘high-level output specification’ or HLOS. The

Measuring performance of England’s strategic roads: what users want

31 March 2017
31 March 2017 This page contains details of joint research by ORR and Transport Focus into what road users want from England’s motorways and major A roads, and how they would like to see that measured and reported to help boost performance. In ORR’s approach to the second Road Investment Strategy which will span the period between 2020 and 2025, which was published in December 2016, we set our

A Tube Train in Leicestershire: An ORR Inspector calls

21 March 2017
In the middle of storm Doris, ORR Inspector Peter Darling visited Network Rail’s Rail Innovation & Development Centre (RIDC) test track – usually known as Old Dalby test track – in Leicestershire.

A new perspective on tunnel vision

14 March 2017
Daniel Brown, Director of Strategy and Policy, blogs about how we work with our French counterparts to regulate the Channel Tunnel.