Monitoring Network Rail’s performance

Annual efficiency and finance assessment of Network Rail 2013 - Annex to the report

21 January 2014
This annex provides information about Network Rail's historic income, expenditure and efficiency. The information is for Great Britain and where possible England & Wales and Scotland separately. More detail about Network Rail and Railtrack's income and expenditure can be found in its regulatory accounts, which are available on Network Rail's website. Chart A1: OMR expenditure from 1995-96 to 2012

Independent reporters

14 January 2014
Independent reporters provide professional advice to the ORR on the quality of Network Rail's service provision, as specified in its licence.

Engagement on health

14 January 2014
Information on our occupational health programme's key events and a sample of the presentations. One key way in which we promote our health programme is by arranging and delivering presentations at key events. Launch of annual health and safety report 2017-18 The launch event for ORR's annual report on health and safety performance for 2017-18 included a presentation on progress by the industry in