
Call for evidence on passenger compensation

15 January 2016
The purpose of this letter was to invite interested parties to submit evidence that may support ORR’s enquiries into the issues raised in the super-complaint made by Which? regarding rail passenger compensation.

ORR statement in response to Which? passenger compensation super-complaint

Content archived on 01 July 2024

21 December 2015
The Office of Rail and Road’s response after receiving a super-complaint from Which? requesting a review of rail passenger compensation arrangements and practices within the industry when train services are delayed. Over the next 90 days, we’ll examine and test the evidence to determine whether the complaint requires further action.

Glasgow Central still the most used station in Scotland

Content archived on 01 July 2024

15 December 2015
Glasgow Central remains the most heavily used station in Scotland, clocking almost 29 million passenger entries and exits last year – an increase of over 1.8m (or 7%) compared to 2013-14, according to latest Estimates of Station Usage data published today by the Office of Rail and Road.

Cardiff Central most heavily used station in Wales

Content archived on 01 July 2024

15 December 2015
Cardiff Central remains the most-used station in Wales, clocking over 11 million passenger entries and exits last year – an increase of almost 200,000 (or 2%) compared to 2013-14, reveals data published today by the Office of Rail and Road.

Why the rail industry should see passenger complaints as a good thing

Content archived on 01 July 2024

2 November 2015
At the Office of Road and Rail (ORR), we've been reviewing how train and station operators handle passenger complaints. Passengers should be at the heart of the railway, and central to this, they now play an increasingly important role in the operation of the railway; both by contributing to a growing share of its running costs but also providing valuable feedback to ensure services better meet

Retail market review conclusions

7 September 2015
ORR’s Retail Market Review focused on who sells tickets, what tickets are sold, where and how tickets are sold, and the ticket format. We considered this from the point of view of the industry rules and practices that govern how all retailers (train operating companies (TOCs) and third party retailers) sell tickets.