Road users

Office of Rail and Road update - November 2016

Content archived on 19 July 2024

10 November 2016
Welcome to ORR’s first monthly newsletter. We hope you find this brief snapshot of our activities informative and useful. Feedback is always welcome. And remember, you can keep up to date with us on Twitter @railandroad.

Safety on the roads

Content archived on 19 July 2024

21 September 2016
By Peter Antolik, Director, Highways.

Benchmarking Highways England

Content archived on 19 July 2024

11 February 2016
We are coming to the end of the first year for the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) as the Highways Monitor and for Highways England in its role as steward of the English Strategic Road Network (SRN). In that time, ORR’s Highways team has built up a good feel for how Highways England is performing against the obligations and targets in the Road Investment Strategy.

Rail/road interface sites

14 January 2014
Our role is to monitor progress by infrastructure controllers, working with the local highway authorities completing detailed risk assessments and any necessary improvements to further reduce incursion risk at vulnerable sites.