Rail professionals

Market study into the supply of signalling systems

13 May 2020
Given the impact of the current COVID-19 crisis, we have taken the decision to close the market study at this time. This will allow industry to focus on operational and safety issues during these challenging times.

Review of the rolling stock leasing market competition remedies

28 April 2020
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has published its final report outlining its recommendation that there is insufficient justification for recommending the CMA undertake a review of remedies put in place by the Competition Commission to address issues in the rolling stock market.

ORR closes signalling market study due to COVID-19

8 April 2020
In January 2020, the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) opened a formal study into the UK signalling market in order to explore whether there were any competition issues affecting these important supply chains, and to determine if any action was needed as a result.

Our strategic risk chapters

31 March 2020
To help prioritise ours and the industry’s strategic focus we issue chapters, which we update as part of a rolling process, focused on the key risks from across the sector and based on incident data, risk trend analysis and the findings from our inspections, investigations and audits.