Rail passengers

Rail/road interface sites

14 January 2014
Our role is to monitor progress by infrastructure controllers, working with the local highway authorities completing detailed risk assessments and any necessary improvements to further reduce incursion risk at vulnerable sites.

Our health and safety enforcement action to date

13 January 2014
Details of improvement notices and prohibition notices served by our inspectors, and details of prosecutions in England and Wales taken by inspectors and the Procurator Fiscal in Scotland.

Occupational health

10 January 2014
Advice and guidance on occupational health matters for railway managers and employees.

Health and safety investigation and enforcement powers

10 January 2014
How we are informed when a serious incident occurs and how we work with other bodies in the railway to find out what has happened and why, and the range of our formal enforcement powers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Service disruption

6 December 2013
Information about who to contact if your train service is disrupted and the different types of train service disruption.