ORR made a site visit to Euston in September 2023 after analysing CCTV footage of three incidents of concern in the summer, which showed crowding reaching unacceptable levels and a lack of crowd control in place. While there were reports of minor injuries, the incidents were assessed to have had the potential for more serious consequences.
During this site visit, the ORR team found there was no recorded, risk-assessed plan for two of the pinch points inside the station, where crowding is most concentrated. The control measures that were in place to manage crowds were inadequate in some areas and the signage and layout to help with the control of passenger flows was also not of an acceptable standard.
Network Rail has accepted the findings and is working with train operators and ORR to develop and implement effective mitigations and controls for crowd management at London Euston Station.
Ian Prosser, HM Chief Inspector of Railways, said: