The rail regulator has made six recommendations after assessing whether LRSSB is on track with delivering the recommendations set out by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch following the fatal Sandilands derailment in November 2016.
ORR’s review of LRSSB found the safety and standards board is providing guidance and tools to improve the sector’s understanding of risk.
But ORR also highlights the need for a long-term strategy and plan for LRSSB’s work, which should set out clear governance and funding arrangements.
ORR’s six recommendations are:
- UK tram operators, owners, and infrastructure managers should continue to support the role of a safety and standards body for the light rail sector.
- LRSSB should review and update its terms of reference to clearly define its role and purpose.
- LRSSB should review – in consultation with its members, the Department for Transport (DfT) and ORR – the current model of voluntary membership and adoption of LRSSB outputs.
- LRSSB should develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to strengthen its collaboration with a broader range of stakeholders including relevant trades unions, Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), highway authorities and vehicle/tram manufacturers.
- LRSSB should – in consultation with DfT and ORR – develop a long-term strategy to clearly define the governance arrangements to deliver plan of work.
- ORR should consider whether there is a continuing need for any memorandum of understanding or agreements in relation to light railways and tramways.
ORR’s HM Chief Inspector of Railways Ian Prosser, said:
Carl Williams, LRSSB Chief Executive, said:
Notes to editors
- The Office of Rail and Road is the economic and safety regulator of Britain's railway.
- The Light Rail Safety and Standards Board was formed by the UK Light Rail Industry and UKTram in 2019 under the guidance of the Department for Transport and the Office of Rail and Road. This was following the Rail Accident Investigation Branch report into the Croydon Tram Accident at Sandilands on 9th November 2016. LRSSB is the central sector body responsible for co-ordinating advances in tramway safety and setting recognised industry standards.